Post a Classified Ad
Christian Chiropractors Association, Inc. 2550 Stover, B-102 Fort Collins, CO 80525 1.800.999.1970 970.482.1404
The CCA accepts classified ads for posting on the internet from its member free of charge. *Please limit your ad to fit an approx. 3-4 line classified ad amount of space. LONG ADS WILL NOT BE POSTED! Ads for multi-level products or distributorships will not be accepted. If you also want your ad printed in the CCA monthly publications mark the box in the form below. For members the CCA will place your ad in 2 consecutive issues.
* Non-member ads are accepted on a space available basis, and will be placed on the website for a fee of $10.00 in the non-member area of the classified web pages. After submitting your ad please use the donation link to submit payment. Non-member's ads will not be printed in the CCA publications.
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