The Cure for the Terminal Condition of Sin
The Evangelical Christian Voice in Chiropractic Since 1953
The Auxiliary of the CCA
Over the years, the Auxiliary has monetarily supported chiropractic missionaries around the world with ongoing monthly support or special-project support. Those ventures have included children’s vitamins, toys, personal items, and Bibles in orphanages around the world. Shoes, mattresses and undergarments have been supplied to many needy children in the name of Christ. Short-term mission scholarships for Auxiliary members on CCA sponsored trips have been made available, and benevolence funds have been awarded. The Auxiliary has raised monies to support students on chiropractic campuses, funding fellowship and outreach events, in addition to offering yearly scholarships. Annual updated prayer calendars have reminded Auxiliary members to pray for individual student members every month. At CCA conventions, the Auxiliary takes part in organizing a night of fun and fellowship for convention attendees and sponsors a luncheon gathering. It is the desire of members to be useful to Christ through this ministry. If you are not a chiropractor but would like to share in the common goals and heartbeat of the ministries of the Christian Chiropractors Association, please join us. Download an application or call the Home Office – 800.999.1970.
Christian Chiropractors Association 2550 Stover, B-102 Fort Collins, CO 80525 Toll Free: 800.999.1970 Local: 970.482.1404 Fax: 970.482.1538
2021-22 Auxiliary Officers
President Marsha Hultgren Fort Collins, Colorado
Vice President Donna Williams Ontario, Oregon
Secretary/ Treasurer Janene Stallings Fort Collins, Colorado
If you would like to contact any of these Auxiliary Officers. Please call the Home Office of the CCA at 1-800-999-1970
2023 Auxiliary Scholarship Information 2023 Auxiliary Scholarship Information Download Auxiliary Membership Application Download Auxiliary Membership Application
The Christian Chiropractors Association Auxiliary was formed as an extension of ministry outreach for the CCA, supporting chiropractic missionaries, their families, student members and student chapters on the chiropractic colleges. It is composed of lay people, (pastors, Christian workers, chiropractic spouses, chiropractic assistants, and those who love Christ and support chiropractic.)
The Auxiliary of the CCA
Christian Chiropractors Association, Inc. 2550 Stover, B-102 Fort Collins, CO 80525 1.800.999.1970 970.482.1404