Christian Chiropractors
2550 Stover, B-102
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Toll Free: 800.999.1970
Local: 970.482.1404
Fax: 970.482.1538
The Evangelical Christian Voice in Chiropractic Since 1953
In 1953, three Palmer students were challenged to supply equipment to a
chiropractic mission in Ethiopia. From that beginning as a small campus project,
the Christian Chiropractors Association emerged. Despite adversity and bias
against the profession, men and women have prevailed in their goal to take
chiropractic throughout the world and bring healing to the body and a
knowledge of Christ to seeking hearts. Dr. Glenn Hultgren, one of those
students, has written "Against All Odds...But God", which details the history
of the first 50 years of the CCA.
To obtain a copy, use the order form by clicking the “order tab” or contact the
home office by phone at 1-800-999-1970.
We request a small donation to cover the cost and mailing.
Glenn M. Hultgren, D.C.
CCA History Book: