**CCA Membership is required for participating chiropractors on a mission team**
Many of the STM’s Listed Below Need Doctors - Consider Joining a Team
Christian Chiropractors Association, Inc. 2550 Stover, B-102 Fort Collins, CO 80525 1.800.999.1970 970.482.1404
Upcoming Teams:
Guatemala - Peten Jungle -- January 22nd - 26th, ‘25
Belize - January 28th - February 4th, ‘25
Brazil, Ivoti - February 14th - 18th, ‘25
Piedras Negras -- March 4th - 8th, ‘25
Honduras - - March 15th - 22nd, ‘25
Costa Rica - - April 5th - 12th, ‘25
Dominican Republic - - April 26th - May 3rd, ‘25
additional doctors needed
The Evangelical Christian Voice in Chiropractic Since 1953
Short-Term Missions
Click on a country name for more
information on that area of ministry.
A unique opportunity has been brought to the attention of the CCA Home
Office. Long-time member. Dr. Benton Atkins is in private practice in
Mount Gambier in South Australia. He recently communicated that there
are ministry opportunities available for anyone who would like to travel
there and share the Gospel. (Only 8% are professing Christians).
This destination can be reached via air travel to Adelaide or Melbourne
with connections to Mt. Gambier. If you are interested in finding out more
about this destination, please contact the CCA Home Office by phone or
Resident Christian Missionary D.C.
Mt. Gambier
Dear Praying Friends....
Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ. I
would like to update you on my situation here in Belarus.
Today we had a festival in our city (Vitebsk) called Beauty
and Health where a question of nontraditional methods
Resident Christian Chiropractor
in Belarus welcomes any who
would visit the country.
He will house, obtain letters of
invitation and help with the
visa requirements needed for
an STM in this country.
of treatment was raised at a high level. It is a very important step for our country since until recently
nobody wanted to take into account such methods. There was just traditional medicine in charge of
public health. I was quite pleased to see some of the high officials at this festival. For me as a Christian
using chiropractic methods of treatment it is very important as it gives me opportunity to work at a
more higher level and to witness about our Lord and my faith. Praise the Lord for that!
Please also give thanks to God as I was called by my Church to become their pastor. This is a great
privilege to me. Please pray that I could glorify God by serving him in this office. Chiropractic is a very
powerful tool of evangelism that our Lord gave us and I am going to use it for reaching new people and
bringing them to the Church.
May the Lord richly bless and keep for his glory.
Dr. Valery Hryhoryk
in Belarus
Dr. Brian Scharf and Dr. Mark Ford participated in a fact finding mission to
Sosua, Dominican Republic in August of 2015. Returning in 2016 this new
mission destination for the CCA is now an opportunity for those who are
interested in serving in the tropical climate of the Dominican Republic. The
outreach is working in conjunction with Transformation Ministry D.R. This
organization is well established and excited to have chiropractors be a part of
their ministry. Their staff will provide the support necessary for an effective
mission trip. The costs are reasonable and the accommodations are good - no
"roughing it" necessary. In addition to airfare to Puerto Plata, the ground costs
are approx. $125 per person, per day and cover lodging in the city of Sosua,
food, transportation, and water while conducting clinics, and translators for
each event. Short-term mission health insurance is available through the CCA
at a small fee. The CCA has plans to organize 2 teams per year aiming for
March/April. and August. This trip would be a great choice for both those new to
missions and those with mission experience. Contact the CCA Home Office if
you are interested.
Team Scheduled
August 18th - 24th, ‘24
Children in Cellar
during recent bombing.
A couple of families keeping warm
in Andriy’s cellar.
Children in the cellar
during a recent bombing.
Families staying warm together
in the cellar of Andriy’s home.
Dr. Andriy’s family at graduation
from chiropractic school (2009)
The CCA has had a long-term commitment to Ukraine. Under the direction of Rev. Jim
Weber, we began organizing short-term mission trips to Ukraine shortly after they
became an independent country (1991). There were many trips in those early days to
places like Kiev, Mariupol, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and others – names that are
unfortunately all too familiar to us now.
On a trip to Ukraine in 1993, Dr. Jim Spertzel went to the city of Cherkassy. While there,
he met the Yevtushenko family, a pastor and his nine children. Their second son, Andriy,
was his first interpreter, and they began a momentous journey together. As a pastor’s
son, he could not attend any schooling past 10th grade during the Soviet years. He was a
brilliant young man who wanted to be a doctor. Long story short, Andriy went on to complete his medical training in Ukraine and
to graduate from the Anglo-European College of Chiropractic in England at the top of his class and as the first Ukrainian-born
chiropractor. He has been practicing for over 12 years, and his sister Valentina followed in his footsteps.
The invasion of the Russians into Crimea 8 years ago prompted most of Andriy’s family to move to a small village an hour west of
the city. There they made provision for what they expected to happen on February 24, 2022. At this writing, they are providing for
20+ refugee families from the city; they believe this is where the Lord wants them to remain. Dr. Jim Spertzel last visited them in
August 2021 and had to cancel a planned trip for January 2022 in light of the impending invasion. Dr. Jim has made over 40 trips
to Ukraine and has plans to move there in his retirement. We must continue to lift Dr. Andriy and his family in prayer, encourage
them, and support them during this trial. The CCA will forward any gifts directly to Dr. Andriy for the refugees he is helping.
Dr. Andriy
in Ukraine
For many years, the Christian Chiropractors Association has participated in STM
trips to minister in the name of Christ to the people of the Crow Indian Reservation
in Montana. Clinics are held in churches in conjunction with the annual Pow Wow in
August. CCA chiropractors touch people through the ministry of chiropractic and by
sharing the Gospel with each person who is treated. Doctors may choose to sleep
in local churches, with access to showers and kitchens, or opt to stay in one of the
hotels in nearby Hardin, MT. Each person buys their own food and ground
transportation is provided by some of the pastors in the area. For those not driving
to the reservation, flights can be arranged out of the Billings Airport. Please
prayerfully consider taking a week, to use your hands and heart, to make a
difference in the lives of the Crow Indians.
at the
Crow Nation
August 14th - 17th, 2024
Are you looking for a "first time" cross-cultural mission experience? Jamaica could
be just the place for you and your spouse. Many of the Christian Chiropractor’s
seasoned short-term mission doctors began on the Jamaican field. The Christian
Chiropractors Association has sent more teams of doctors to Jamaica than any
other country. Since March of 1984, regularly scheduled teams have gone each
The CCA has had such a tremendous impact on the Jamaican field, it is assumed in
Montego Bay if you are a chiropractor, you are a Christian. Don’t we wish that were
true?! The CCA’s focus in Jamaica has been a 3-fold ministry - public schools,
orphanages and churches. Our doctors always return impressed by the fact that, in
the public schools, the children still say a pledge to the flag and have prayer at the
beginning and end of their day. As a result, our doctors have been welcomed with
open arms into the public school system, and they have been receptive to a strong
Christian witness, as well as the chiropractic adjustments.
Jamaica is a land of great contrasts - from lovely tourist accommodations and
beautiful beaches, to extreme poverty, drugs, crime and unbelievably harsh living
conditions. The needs of the native Jamaican’s are great. Jamaica STM’s cry "Try
Me" to the novice STM doctor. Your life will never be the same.
Team Scheduling for Nov. 2024 (TBA)
A very unique mission opportunity located in the Peten Jungle of Northern Guatemala. Hospital Shalom is a
“certified” 35-bed facility of Samaritan’s Purse and is welcoming chiropractors to work in and around this mission
hospital. Travel to this destination is a little more intense as you begin by flying into Guatemala City and then will
travel by car to Flores, Guatemala. Please view this YouTube video to learn more about this mission outreach.
January 22nd - 26th, 2025
Hospital Shalom
The phenomenon of Chiropractic and soul-winning continues in Poland. Poland is one of
the more progressive of the retiring Communistic block. The Polish are a sincerely warm,
hospitable, and kind people who are very appreciative of the help CCA doctors are able to
bring them. Even though they are generally in better physical health than we Americans,
they suffer mainly from work-related injuries, but also neck and back problems incurred
primarily from motor vehicle accidents.
The Christian Chiropractors Association and Proem Ministries have developed a good
working relationship in Poland. Each doctor is responsible for his own travel expenses,
but food and lodging is most often provided by Proem Ministries at their retreat
conference facility. Director, Maui Dwulat, in Poland arranges for clinics in churches and
various areas. Our doctors often are on hand for a ministry conference being held at the
facility. The people of Poland are very grateful for any service you provide for them and
occasionally come bearing fruits and gifts in appreciation for the care they
CCA chiropractic doctors were the first ever to come to the city of Lodz, Poland in
October, 1995. Many doors have opened over the years in this country. Doctors who
have ministered in Poland said, “We have never worked so hard in our lives and had so
much energy left over at the end of the day. It is a fantastic experience.” In Poland the
fields are truly “white unto harvest” and God is using CCA chiropractors to win souls for
Christ. Join us on an STM to Poland.
Pastor Maui Dwulat with Proem Ministries welcomes D.C.'s to stay on
their compound and work with the outreaches at the conference center
and around the Warsaw area.
The Christian Chiropractors Association partners with Word of Life
ministries in Budapest, Hungary and urges chiropractors to come serve
for one to two weeks at the beautiful 78 acre castle property at Toalmas.
Cost for room and board is $200 per week.
HUNGARY (Budapest)
Open Dates Spring, Summer and Fall
An elderly Buddhist
monk w/leg
problems allowed
our team to both
adjust and pray for
him, and reported
that he was truly
walking much better.
This paved the way
for hundreds of
Buddhist and
Muslim villagers to
follow suit and be
introduced to the
Great Physician for
the very first time.
Short-Term Mission
opportunities with
Transform Asia.
The teams provide
medical care to thousands of patients in the remote
villages of Cambodia with a special emphasis on children.
Chiropractors are needed to adjust and to work
cooperatively with the other medical professionals
Dr. Adam Reed will be leading a multi-disciplinary team to Thailand in late
October into November and he is in need of two chiropractors to join him
to serve the Thai people. Dr. Reed is partnering with Filipino missionary
Ronaldo Gutlay. During the medical clinic time in Thailand, the mission team
will be serving at Brother Gutlay's church on the outskirts of Bangkok and also
at a church plant in the coastal Phuket region of southern Thailand. The
church in the south was started by the Bangkok church in 2005 following the
tsunami which destroyed the area in 2004. It is also a region with a large
Muslim population.
Dr. Reed served in these same areas in the past and found the Thai people
hungry for chiropractic care, and more importantly, for the Gospel message.
If you desire to serve in a largely un-evangelized area of the world, please join
Dr. Reed this coming December! Contact the CCA or Dr. Reed directly for more
details and cost information at:
CCA: missiondir@frii.com
Dr. Reed: missions@caringpartners.org
Team Scheduled: Oct. 30 - Nov. 10, 2024
Each year CCA member, Dr. Brad Zisch, plans two teams to go to
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico to treat the poor in the Barrios in conjunction with
Calvary Chapel, Todos Santos, and the Cabo Church.
The ministry in Cabo is expanding rapidly and the need for more doctors
is essential to what God is doing there. Life is extremely difficult for these
people and they so much and appreciate what chiropractic does for them.
Click on the link below for a short video of the work in this area.
The dates for the next trips will be:
October 4th - 10h of 2024
You can contact Dr. “Bud” Budincich by email at drbudiman@aol.com
If you would like more details on how to participate or
you can contact the CCA Home Office.
This is a great time to enjoy Cabo and do the Lord's
work for these precious people.
Next Scheduled Team
October 4th - 10th, 2024
Baja, Mexico
Regular Teams
Baja California STM requires only 1 or 2 work days out of the office.
Great opportunity for doctors living in areas
of Southern Colorado, Southern California, Nevada and Arizona.
Chiropractors needed for regular teams.
More information can be obtained at:
Email: drbudiman@aol.com
or call: 626.792.3390
Ensenada, Mexico - Open Dates
Dr. Michael Budincich leads teams to Ensenada for many open
opportunities for ministry in that area. A key outreach is the
El Refugio, a foster home for at risk girls.
For additional information or call the CCA home office.
or Email Dr. Bud directly at: drbudiman@aol.com
Africa - Kenya
Multiple outreachs and opportunities Serving in Kenya throughout
each year. Often scheduled in July of each year.
Some teams include the country of Ethiopia.
If interested in being a part of one of the outreaches please contact
the CCA Mission’s Director for more information.
Piedras Negras, Mexico
Annual Team Scheduled Each March!
Next Team Scheduled March 4th-8th, ‘25
Doctors Needed!
A unique ministry with the Rotary Club where Christian Chiropractors are welcomed
to join in this ministry outreach. Airfare to San Antonio, Texas is all that is required of
a participating doctor. Transportation from the San Antonio airport to Piedras Negras
is provided. Housing in Piedras Negras and
local transportation is also provided.
Teams are led by Dr’s Jim and Terri Coates
who are celebrating in 2024 the 20th
consecutive year of serving in this area.
Please contact the CCA if you have interest
in joining this team and we will put you in-
touch with the team leaders.
Short-Term Mission team scheduled
Annually first part of November
Travel with a medical team, in early November,
aboard the missionary boat Evangelista on the
Ucayali River in Peru. The team offers chiropractic
and medicine, along with the message of the Gospel,
to the Peruvian people in various villages along the
river. This trip combines missions learning with
practical applications as participants offer physical
and spiritual hope to unreached people.
E-mail: missiondir@frii.com
Brazil (Ivoti)
Welcomes Doctors Anytime
CCA’s new mission outreach working with ABWE on a new
church plant in Ivoti, Brazil. Working along side Pastor
Randy Richner, Dr. Joel Lippert, a resident Brazil schooled
chiropractor, operates a clinic within the walls of a building
shared with the church. This chiropractic clinic serves as an
excellent outreach to bring locals into this new church.
The church continues to grow and is working on a building
plan to build their own facility which will include a
chiropractic clinic and maybe include dental services too.
Dr. Joel and Pastor Randy welcome any who would like to be
an additional pair of hands in this outreach.
E-mail: cca@frii.com
The Christian Chiropractors Association has teamed up with World Gospel
Outreach to make available an on-going team mission field in Honduras.
These short-term mission trips have been designed primarily for an individual's
first time cross-cultural ministry experience but not to be overlooked
by a seasoned STM'er.
The ministry facility is located on the side of a mountain that overlooks the capital
city of Tegucigalpa with a beautiful view from the balcony. The participants will
have hot and cold running water in bathrooms and showers, bunk beds with North
American style twin mattresses, 110 volt AC current for electrical devices, a
combination of US and Honduran food, and purified water for drinking.
WGO teams are scheduled just about every week of the year.
For more information call the CCA Home Office.
Opportunities are available just about every week of the year.
Next Team Scheduled with a CCA doctor is
March 9th-16th, 2024 and there is room for additional D.C.’s
Africa - Ethiopia & Kenya
Multiple outreachs and opportunities Serving in Africa throughout
each year. Often scheduled in July of each year.
Teams often include the countries of Kenya & Ethiopia.
If interested in being a part of one of the outreaches please contact
the CCA’s Mission’s Director for more information.
CCA member, Dr. Adam Reed leads multi-disciplinary teams to Belize
each year. Working with Caring Partners International, the groups
provide medical services and chiropractic care with many of
opportunities to share the Gospel. Working with local churches,
this outreach makes a tremendous impact on the people who are in need.
If you are interested in participating or just want more information,
contact Dr. Adam Reed or the CCA Home Office.
CCA: missiondir@frii.com
Dr. Reed: missions@caringpartners.org
Two Opportunities to Serve in Belize
Global Health Services, a division of Global Outreach Mission, is dedicated to making
Christ known through the provision of dental and chiropractic needs for the
underserved in Belize. They have a clinic in Belize with a designated area for
chiropractic care. This outreach is scheduled through the Global Outreach Mission
and can be utilized any time of the year.
If you are interested in participating or just want more information,
contact the CCA Home Office or Steve Kohl with GOM directly.
CCA: missiondir@frii.com
Belize Mission Coordinator:
Steve Kohl: stevekohlz@gmail.com
Teams “on-hold” at the current time
CCA team members have broken new ground and have found
open doors in and around Jerusalem, the Galilee region and
such towns as Tiberius, Haifa and Bethlehem. With the assistance
of an experienced guide, the teams have been welcomed by the
people of Israel and have been blessed by their interactions with
Orthodox and Messianic Jews and Arab Christians. By working to
establish long-term relationships, it is hoped that these will lead to
more and more opportunities to share the Gospel and to build up
the body of Christ.
This year CCA member, Dr. Joel Branes,
will lead a team to serve in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
in conjunction with two local churches and YWAM
they work within the community .
They hold clinics offering chiropractic care and provide reading-glasses.
Life is extremely difficult for these people and they much
appreciate what
chiropractic does for them.
You can contact Dr. Branes by email at jkbranes@hotmail.com
if you would like more details on how to participate or
you can contact the CCA Home Office.
Next Scheduled Team
February 16th - 22nd ‘25
Dr. Adam Reed will be leading a multi-disciplinary teams to
Guatemala two to four times each year. Working with Caring
Partners International, the group will provide medical services
and chiropractic care and there will be opportunities to share the
Gospel. Working with local churches, this outreach makes a
tremendous impact on the people who are in need.
If you are interested in participating or just want more information,
contact Dr. Adam Reed or the CCA Home Office.
CCA: cca@frii.com
Dr. Reed: missions@caringpartners.org
Caring Partners: www.caringpartners.org
Short-Term Mission teams scheduled for:
Jan. 3rd - 10th, 2025 (Cedarville)
Feb. 28th - March 6th, 2025 (Cedarville)
May 9th - 15th, 2025 (Cedarville)